Month: October 2021

Sweet Chestnut Flower Remedy

The Sweet Chestnut Flower Remedy is for agonizing mental anguish, described by Dr. Bach as “the hopeless despair of those who feel they have reached the limit of their endurance.” It may take the form of intense sorrow; sufferers can feel almost destroyed by it. Dejection is accompanied by a sense of loneliness, as well

Star of Bethlehem Flower Remedy

Star of Bethlehem Flower Remedy is for the after-effects of shock, mental or physical, as a result of accidents, bad news, bereavement, sudden disappointments, fright, etc. The Latin name for this remedy is Ornithogalum umbellatum. Although ideally taken immediately after the event, it is also excellent for delayed effects. Since these effects may manifest years

Scleranthus Flower Remedy

Scleranthus Flower Remedy, Scleranthus annuus in Latin, is for people who suffer indecision: people in need of Scleranthus find it difficult to make decisions, particularly when faced with a choice of two possibilities. These people lack balance and poise; their grasshopper minds make them jump about in conversation. They are up and down in mood,

Gorse Flower Remedy

The keywords for the Gorse Flower Remedy are hopelessness and despair. Gorse is for extreme hopelessness, as well as despair, for people who have given up the fight. They feel that there is no light at the end of the tunnel and have lost all hope. These people may believe that their illness is hereditary

Clematis Flower Remedy

The Bach Clematis Flower Remedy, or Clematis vitalba in Latin, is for people who live in a world of their own with no interest in the real world. They find it hard to live in the present. The keywords for this remedy include dreaminess, as well as lack of interest in the present. They are

Bach Flower Rescue Remedy

Dr. Bach created an emergency combination which he called Rescue Remedy. It contains five of his famous flower remedies: Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose and Clematis. It is worth carrying a small bottle with you in case of emergencies. Rescue Remedy is the remedy to use in an emergency. If you have

Agrimony Flower Remedy

Description Agrimony flower remedy, or Agrimony eupatoria in Latin, is for people who often appear carefree humorous.  This essence also helps people to communicate openly.  People who need this essence tend to hide problems behind a cheerful face.  Although they often appear carefree and humorous, their “joie de vivre” is a mask for anxieties, and

Introduction to Bach Flower Remedies

What are Flower Remedies “Health is our heritage, our right. It is the complete and full union between soul, mind and body; and this is not a difficult far-away ideal to attain, but one so easy and natural that many of us have overlooked it.” These are the words of the late Dr. Edward Bach,